Every Sunday morning, through music and song, prayer, preaching and study, we share the biblical story of God’s love for all the world as revealed in Jesus Christ. Week by week, we faithfully and joyfully gather to lift up our hearts.
We are a welcoming and compassionate Christ-centered community of faith, seeking to inspire, involve and empower people to discover their purpose through fellowship, study and service.
Church School, Bible Studies, Women’s Missionary Society, Pastoral Care Team, and Art Guild. Call for more information.
As an inclusive, affirming congregation, we honour the diversity of God’s creation. Our community is richer when we include people of all ages, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, economic circumstances and family configurations.
We seek to provide a safe space so that each person can bring every aspect of their whole self into participation within this congregation. We invite all to join into the life, leadership, witness and ministry at St. Andrew’s Barrie.
As part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, we support the incusion of LGBTQI2S+ people to serve as ministers and elders. We define marriage as a covenant between two adults.