Certainty isn’t faith; self-sufficiency is. Our faith is a journey as we share our lives with God – and that includes doubt, especially as we encounter challenges and difficulties.
In the third book in our fall study series, we explore faith and what is often taught in churches – something which author Brian McLaren notes has pushed many in North America to leave church or never enter its doors. Doubt has prompted some to give up on the wisdom we find in the Bible.
Getting our arguments right isn’t the answer. The Bible is filled with different perspectives of writers from different times and different cultures. Just imagine how different cultures are in our world today… and you get the picture that faith has to transcend these differences.
Love. What we need to get right Jesus’ commandment to love one another as He loves us. It’s a radical type of love, all giving. And it’s life-changing, for the giver and for those who receive.
Explore this with us in the series on our YouTube channel, located at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1GMOATq5CD0LXR6_jbWW1A/videos.