This week has been a sad one for us at St. Andrew’s: our dear friend and long-time secretary/treasurer Barb Drummond was called home, suddenly.
Whether in our office or on the phone, Barb was a gentle person who took time to listen and to help others.
She was patient as she listened, gentle as she considered how to help and kind throughout every interaction – an incredibly helpful combination for the first person someone visiting or calling the church office. She had another side: she was quick-witted and funny with us at St. Andrew’s. At our fellowship circle, Barb’s love of animals was obvious in the way she cared for pets who joined us for the mid-week dip of fellowship on the side lawn. She emanated gentleness and compassion.
So as we contemplate fruitfulness in our worship this week, we can look at the fruits of summer that we continue to enjoy: the strawberries have passed but the peaches now offer an incredibly sweet experience for pies. Each fruit and flower blooms and fades; in its time, it makes our world and our lives better.
And so it is with each of us.
In Isaiah 5, we are reminded of the care God invests in His vineyard and in us, both as a community and as individuals. We read of His determination to see fruitfulness and to prune away that which is not fruitful.
Staying connected to Jesus ensures that we are fruitful and make a difference in our world. God’s purpose for us is that we enjoy Him forever, which means today as well as tomorrow. As we do that, we can’t help but be fruitful: We blossom with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
In our sad times, times when the clouds seem all too dark and grey, a simple prayer can keep us connected to our power source.
And God’s steadfast love does endure, forever.
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When is the service for Barb?
Sending our deepest Condolences to the family.