The big day in our culture is over: Christmas Day, the day for family, presents and a feast. Talk has already turned to shopping and getting bargains and storing up more to add to our comforts in these cold, dark days.
But in God’s world, our journey is just beginning.
We have celebrated the miracle of birth, of God taking on human form to become one of us, to share in our struggles and sorrows.
Now it is our turn to begin the journey, to discovering who Jesus our Lord is.
We are like the shepherds, who worked away in their dull tasks of daily living. We may not be toiling in the fields – but we could be meeting our own daily challenges in a school, a store, a manufacturing plant, even our own remote office. The world somehow floods into our lives: technology – be it our computer, our phone, our car, a machine we rely on – fails and frustrates us.
From these places, each of us is called to journey to the humble place where Jesus meets us. Whether or not you believe the story as told in the Gospels, the reality is that Jesus wants to meet us on human ground, and the journey begins with wanting to see Him.
The journey begins with simply asking and wanting to discover who Jesus is.
That is what inspired the kings from the east and the shepherds – people who were involved in their everyday lives, people who were rich or poor, who were far away or nearby.
Join us on the journey. We each have some light to share, some comfort to provide, some encouragement to offer.
Join us in helping stock our Little Warmers Tree – a project that provides mitts, hats, scarves and socks to any passerby who needs a bit of warmth. We also join with our neighbours in stocking the Little Food Pantry at Trinity Anglican. Together our light grows stronger.
Join us at 10 a.m. Sundays in person or on our YouTube channel, @StAndrewsBarrie.
Let us be as Christ to you.
Enjoy this musical piece, and consider what Jesus can do and what we can do for each other and for others.https://youtu.be/0JahFRDrSCs
What an incredible gift!