Certainly we are getting April showers… and we know there will be May flowers.
Perhaps this sounds trite or superficial, but each day brings new life and growth. The cycle that emerges in each of our gardens every spring, is most certainly a gift, an ongoing miracle that reminds us that the seeds and bulbs we planted or the birds scattered last fall will emerge in their time.
The crocus was the first to poke its head through the cold ground that was still covered in leaves to insulate my garden from winter. This week, the tulips are preparing to bud, but in the meantime, the mini grape hyacinths are sharing their beauty.
Caring for my garden is also an act of faith and of stewardship. We just wrapped up Earth Week, with Earth Day last Saturday. Each one of us endeavours to do our little part to contribute to caring for our earth, and together, we can make an impact.
Whether we live in a house or an apartment, many of us have gardens, whether in our backyard or perhaps on a balcony. The plants freshen our air and add a sense of life to what could be a sterile place. Their diversity shows how incredibly creative our God is.
Watch as the trees begin to bud and bloom. Some have blooms or flowers that are already bursting, while others are waiting for their time. The Barrie Arboretum in Sunnidale Park is home to an incredible diversity of trees, yet Wellington Street East will be beautiful in a week or two as trees buds burst open.
And so it is with St. Andrew’s, too, after our cold dark days after the fire in February. We know that God is at work, and life will bloom again on our downtown site. We are linking this hope with gardening – and encouraging those who shop at Bradford Greenhouses Garden Gallery to remember us before the cashier rings in their order.
In the bulb, there is a flower. Indeed, those bulbs planted in the cold days of fall are now budding.
Promise. That’s what it is, a promise of beauty in due time.
Enjoy this musical piece, which rings through my head, heart and soul when the cold and dark seem all too dreary and discouraging. Promise – that’s the title of the music score.