Looking at the new (church) season through modern eyes


The Easter season ended with Jesus ascending into heaven.

Ok. Sounds pretty basic but not the most practical – or encouraging – topic to contemplate.

But let’s look at this differently, from another perspective.

Consider this:

Now that’s not a foreign concept at all. In fact, working from home was a key discussion in a recent federal civil servants’ strike. There are some jobs that can be done remotely, and there are some that can’t.

With that in mind, let’s look at the tools and the ways we can stay connected and on Jesus’ team while we are here, in Barrie, in 2023.

Prayer is key. Prayer can happen anytime, anywhere, and thankfully the door is always open for a heart-to-heart conversation or a cry for help. Prayer is an incredible connection. It’s the first wireless connection.

Jesus may be working from home, but we are out in the fields — in the factory or in the store or restaurant. We are in places where we’re serving others and contributing to our community. Sometimes, the labour can be tiring or discouraging. Jesus is still on the other end of the prayer line; it’s a matter of us calling.

We can also use technology to stay connected with others – because we know our Manager is still on the job – and He is inspiring others and working through them.

We can tune into worship online. We can fill our Facebook feed with inspiring, uplifting messages from other Christians and we can laugh and share in our private Facebook group.

We can also gather physically, whether at worship, preparing bulletins for worship or enjoying a meal together and discussing summer music. These are the committee rooms, so to speak, where work takes place but where we know we are connected, because of Jesus’ promise that He is with those who gather in His name.

Take heart: God provides what we need. Just look through a different lens and be encouraged and inspired.