A year of adventure into the unexplored begins


The first week of September is always an adventure.

For kids just starting kindergarten, for parents who are waving at the schoolyard fence, for teachers.

For teens who are starting high school – a new school, a new way of learning, new teachers.

For young adults heading off to post-secondary for the first time or more.

It’s a week filled with anticipation and anxiety.

And for each of us, we recall those emotions as the week wraps up and the  year of new activities begins to take shape. It’s still early, and more activities, like those run by volunteers are beginning – be they sports or adventures such as Scouting and Guiding.

At St. Andrew’s, our art guild is launching a new series, starting in October.

Drawing in Colour explores colour and what’s possible with coloured pencils. Unleash the kid in you – or take a child along, as this series is inter-generational – on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Space is limited, so email artfortheheart2@gmail.com to reserve a spot by Oct. 3. Discover what is possible with what many of us call pencil crayons, as artist Janet Grootveld shares proper techniques. Here’s an example of one of her creations.

Our Autumn bible study takes us back to the outskirts of Rome, c. 71 CE. There we will gather to examine a newly copied document, “The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”. Led by Rev. Keith Boyer, the study takes place Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m.; mark Sept. 20 on your calendar as the journey begins, and continues through Oct. 11. It takes place at Collier United.


Our life-long learning team is also considering its fall series, which may be more of a small-group focus, rather than a lecture series.

If you’re hesitant or anxious or lack some confidence, remember, you’re not alone. We are companions on the journey.

Join in! Call the church office at 705-728-3991 for more information about getting involved in these programs.