Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem is over; the palm branches and loud Hosannas are in the past.
And we begin a contemplative week in which the divinity and humanity of Jesus are fully revealed.
Some called Sunday “Passion Sunday.” Indeed, the entire week is filled with passion – the loud hosannas, the intimacy and love shared at the Last Supper, the shock of betrayal, the callousness of the events leading up to the Crucifixion.
At St. Andrew’s, we remember the incredible music that included darker pieces that foreshadowed what the week would bring. This year, after two years of not being able to gather in person, our children and young people waved palm branches as they paraded through the sanctuary. We recalled the humble entrance Jesus made into the Jewish capital city, quite in contrast to the governmental and establishment powers. We know, however, Jesus reigns.
As the week progresses, we will move towards Maundy Thursday – the day on which Jesus gave us the greatest commandment: We remember that Jesus washed his disciples feet. Stop and think about that: wearing sandals, the disciples surely had dirty, dusty feet, feet that perhaps encountered the less savoury aspects of the animal life in the city.
As Jesus washed his disciples feet, He gave them a new commandment: A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)
The next day, we would surely see that love as Jesus suffered, went to Calvary and shed His blood for us.
Join us Thursday night as we celebrate the Last Supper together and recall Jesus’ love and sacrifice for us.
Then let us look towards Calvary and consider the love.
And in the dark hours, remember that the Light of the World lives.
Join us at Thursday night at 7:30, then on Sunday, Easter, at 10 a.m.
Until then, let us fast from worries and have trust in God, fast from pressures and be prayerful, and fast from selfishness and be compassionate; just as Jesus loved us, we love one another.