Creative ways to share


This is our Mitten Tree. It’s bare  – but it won’t be for long.

And it’s one way we at St. Andrew’s look to share. With hats, scarves, socks and yes, mittens, we enjoy caring for our neighbours as winter arrives. When you’re out shopping or getting crafty (with the knitting needles), think of those who depend on agencies including the David Busby Street Centre, the Women and Children’s Shelter and Youth Haven and grab something warm to share. Our “throw party” takes place during our Dec. 12th service. In the meantime, you can drop off donations in the box in the front foyer when you come to worship Sundays at 10 – or you can bring what you’ve collected on the 12th.

We are also collecting toiletries for those who rely on the CMHA. The fun-size freebies you get at the dentist are perfect for sharing, as are any of the samples that hotels provide. You could also opt to pick up full-size products to share. There is a box in the front foyer for your gifts.

Each year, we also look to share with those who receive support through Family Connexions (formerly the Children’s Aid Society of Simcoe County). We used to encourage people to pick a gift to buy while they’re out shopping, but thanks to the pandemic, gift cards are what is appreciated. We are giving $500 in Walmart gift cards, so if you’d like to contribute, include that in your offerings and mark it accordingly or call the church office at 705-728-3991 to find out how to help.

We also have a “reverse” advent calendar, filled with suggestions for the Barrie Food Bank. Pick up your list at the church.