Archives: Events

He Chose the Nails: He Chose to be One of Us

Collier Street United Church Barrie 112 Collier Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

In this first session of our Lenten study, we explore incredible love. Rather than focusing on Lent as a season of having to give something up, we consider it as a time to be intentional about preparing to receive joy and good things from God. One of the gifts of Easter is the *crown of […]

He Chose the Nails: He Chose to Forgive Us

Collier Street United Church Barrie 112 Collier Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

In this second in our Lenten series, we contemplate the next gift of Easter: the nails. It wasn't the angry mob, the religious leaders, or the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus. It was Jesus himself who chose the nails. The nails in the cross show us the lengths to which God will go to cover […]

He Chose the Nails: He Chose to Invite Us into His Presence

Collier Street United Church Barrie 112 Collier Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

As we continue our Lenten journey and explore the gifts of Easter, this week we consider the robe. In this third session of the series, we contemplate how in exchange for our garments of sin, Jesus gives us his robe of seamless perfection, a symbol of the righteousness that gives us access to God's presence. […]

He Chose the Nails: He Chose to Give Us Victory

Collier Street United Church Barrie 112 Collier Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

The final gift of Easter: empty grave clothes! God took a token of tragedy and turned it into a symbol of triumph. We all face tragedy and hardships, but the promise of the empty grave clothes is that God is always at work to bring victory and new life, even from the rags of death.